Monday, June 23, 2008

Celebrity role model: Tina Fey

Tina Fey is a great role model because she is doing work that is largely considered male dominated. She writes films (like mean girls) she writes for shows (like 30 rock) she acts and stars in films and shows as well. She is funny, smart, and even cares about the environmentalist. I found this great quote for other actors who are inspired by her.
"When I started, improv had the biggest impact on my acting. I studied the usual acting methods at college—Stanislavsky and whatnot. But none of it really clicked for me. My problem with the traditional acting method was that I never understood what you were supposed to be thinking about when you’re onstage. But at Second City, I learned that your focus should be entirely on your partner. You take what they’re giving you and use it to build a scene. That opened it up for me. Suddenly it all made sense. It’s about your partner. Not what you’re going to say, not finding the perfect mannerisms or tics for your character, not what you’re going to eat later. Improv helped to distract me from my usual stage bullshit and put my focus somewhere else so that I could stop acting. I guess that’s what method acting is supposed to accomplish anyway. It distracts you so that your body and emotions can work freely. Improv is just a version of method acting that works for me."

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